Religious Movement Buddhism

Lord Buddha * Also known as Sakyamuni or tathagata. * Born to suddhodana (Sakya ruler) and Mahamaya in 563BC on the vaishakha poornima day at lumbini (near Kapilvastu) in Nepal. * Lost mother 7 days after the birth. Brought up by stepmother gautami. * Married at 16 to yoshodhara. Enjoyed the married life for 13 years and blessed with a son named Rahula. * After seeing an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic, he decided to become a wanderer. * Left the palace at 29 ( With Channa, the charioteer and his favorite horse, Kanthaka) in search of truth ( called 'Mahabhinishkramana' or The great renunciation) and wandered for 6 Years. * For Six years he tortured himself until he was nothing but a walking skeleton. But after six years, he felt that his fasts and penance had been useless. So, he abandoned these things. * Attained 'Enlightenment' at 35 at gaya in Magadha (Bihar) under the pipal tree. * Delivered the first sermon at sarna...